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Female hair loss and menopause

Female hair loss and menopause

The period of menopause marks the end of a woman’s reproductive age and is defined as the one that begins one year after the end of menstruation.

The period of menopause marks the end of a woman’s reproductive age and is defined as the one that begins one year after the end of menstruation. 

This period in several cases brings with it a lot of new data. Among them is the thinning of the hair, which can be accompanied by possible hair loss Although hair loss during menopause is directly linked to the change in hormone levels during the above period, a factor which is clearly to blame for most cases of hair loss.

One should not overlook other causes which to a greater or lesser extent can be held responsible for some of the cases of hair loss.

Female hair loss and hormonal changes during menopause +-
Other risk factors+-
Hormone Replacement Therapy+-
What should you watch out for?+-


Fill out the form below and we will contact you to book a completely free diagnostic appointment for examination. The diagnosis is made by Dr. Ioannis Papangelopoulos (MD, PhD).