Lifestyle: 5 things we do and destroy our hair

Hair loss may be mainly linked to genetic and biological factors, however it is certain that the habits of everyday life – sometimes to a lesser and sometimes to a greater extent – affect the health of our hair.

As in recent years the effort we put to match certain standards has become more evident and in many cases we make choices and adopt habits that only have harmful effects on our hair.

Below are the five most common of them.

They may be the perfect finishing touch to a neat look, but they are also a hassle for the hair.

In some cases it is possible to cause trauma to the hair follicles leading to hair loss.

Such a situation is however reversible if it is noticed in time.

  • Frequent wearing of a hat may not directly cause hair loss – except when it is too tight on the head, but it has been shown to aggravate even cases of hair loss that have nothing to do with hair pulling.

Frequent use of styling devices such as hair dryers and straighteners can have bad consequences for the health of the hair.

They may not be directly linked as causes of hair loss, but they do accelerate hair wear and loss. The same applies to chemical hair treatments such as perming, coloring or straightening.

Everything mentioned above should be kept to a minimum.

Apart from all the other negative consequences that smoking has on our health, the latest research seems to link it to the acceleration of hair loss.

According to the above research, the damage caused to the DNA of hair follicles by smoking can even lead to hair loss.

The image of a thin and shapely body that has been projected in recent years as a model of beauty has led many people – especially young people – to dietary choices that, in many cases, are far from a type of diet that can be considered balanced and healthy.

Apart from the effect that adopting a deficient diet has on the overall health of our body, the lack of basic nutritional elements such as iron for example, is sure to have only negative consequences for our hair, even leading to hair loss.

This very attempt to harmonize with the projected standards in several cases leads to eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, in which hair loss is observed.

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