The 10 best foods to protect your hair health

Eating habits affect our entire body and organism. So they couldn’t leave our hair image intact.

Although clearly one could not speak of a “diet pill” that “magically” reverses the damage caused by hair loss due to hereditary causes, the research course brings to light the connection between the eating habits we adopt and the hair health and in some cases with its loss.

Thus, in several cases, while the additional intake of specific nutrients may not improve the appearance of the hair, possible deficiencies in them may lead to discoloration or hair loss.

At the same time, modern research results highlight the role of specific ingredients and vitamins in the hair growth mechanism.

Even if the landscape is not completely clear about the specific mode of action of various nutrients, what one can say with absolute certainty is that a balanced diet clearly has positive effects on the image and health of our hair.

The list below includes the 10 foods that everyone should include in their diet in order to ensure the health of their hair.

The list is divided into two topics. The following foods that have a protective effect against hair loss.


Carrots are a food balm for the hair as thanks to the high quality vitamin A they contain, they have an important role in the normal cycle of scalp cells, helping to maintain the health of the epithelium.

The frequent consumption of carrots leads to thickening of the hair, making it stronger, while protecting the hair from breakage and hair loss.


The high protein content makes eggs one of the most important allies in hair health, contributing to the repair of damaged hair and filling weakened areas.

At the same time, eggs are a very good source of biotin and vitamin B12, ingredients with beneficial properties in terms of hair health.


Oats have moisturizing properties that protect the scalp from dryness and itching.

It is no coincidence that it is used in several hair cleaning products as it is ranked among the top foods against hair loss.


Everyone agrees that protein deficiency can lead to weak hair and hair loss.

In poultry, one can find a very good source of high-quality protein with a beneficial effect on the overall health of the hair.


Its rich content of vitamins A and C ranks it among the most important foods for the health of the hair epithelium.

It contributes to the prevention of premature aging and protects the hair from a brittle and weak effect.


This is a food essential for those who are experiencing hair loss problems thanks to the high content and nutritional value of protein it contains.

Beef is also an excellent source of iron and zinc, ingredients very important for ensuring hair health.

It is noted that iron deficiency is one of the important causes of nutritional hair loss.

Whole grain products

The above products have beneficial properties for the hair thanks to their content of iron, zinc and vitamins of the B complex.


They are a very good source of zinc, an ingredient with fundamental value for hair health as it contributes to hair recycling.


Of all the types of beans, it is red beans and black-eyed beans that show the greatest importance for hair health and hair loss prevention, providing a series of amino acids that contribute to the above results.

They are also good sources of iron, zinc and biotin.


Walnuts are one of the most important foods for hair health.

In many cases, even their daily consumption is recommended, as they are rich in protein, iron, zinc and B complex vitamins (B1, B6, B9).

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