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FUE hair transplant technique

FUE hair transplant technique

The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant technique is considered to be the most advanced permanent hair transplant transfer procedure in recent years.

It was introduced shortly after 2000 and is considered a milestone in the history of hair transplantation.

With this method, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area and transplanted to the recipient area.

FUE, as compared to the Strip hair transplant technique, has been described as revolutionary, as it is less invasive and for this reason, it has become the first choice of those interested

It has a particularly satisfactory result with less pain and a shorter duration of treatment and recovery.

FUE is carried out in two main stages:

  • Hair follicles are selected and extracted one by one from the back of the scalp using a specially designed tool with a very small diameter. The extracted hair follicles are kept at a specific temperature and in a special solution that enhances their growth after placement 
  • The hair follicles are then inserted into the predetermined recipient area. The implantation of hair follicles is done by creating holes in the skin located in the area where there is hair loss or baldness. Especially for this procedure, special experience and attention is required to avoid unpleasant consequences and injury to the recipient area, as this can lead to skin injury and bleeding with local swelling. This will have bad consequences causing discomfort to the patient and worse, an outcome that is not considered satisfactory. It should be emphasized that, both during the extraction and during the implantation of the hair follicles, a local anesthetic is administered.     

The advantage of the FUE hair transplant technique over the Strip hair transplant technique is that it does not require the creation of an incision and the removal of a skin flap from the donor area, thus leaving no permanent scar on the patient.

For this reason, many people have gone ahead with hair transplantation with the FUE technique, wanting to avoid the possible scars that will appear due to the operation with the Strip hair transplantation technique.

FUE can be considered the most modern method in the process of hair transplantation encouraging many people who have problems with hair loss and alopecia to choose it

But the right choice of which of the hair loss treatments or hair transplant techniques can only be made after a discussion with the doctor.

The specialized doctor is the one who will identify the magnitude of the problem and will suggest to the interested party the appropriate solution.

For this reason, the interested party should choose the right doctor, trust him and discuss with him in detail both the size of the problem and the technique that they can follow to achieve the right result.

This particular transplantation technique is also indicated in cases of eyebrow, temple, and beard transplantation, as these areas are small and the technique can be effective with the best results, and the patient will be able to return to work shortly.



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