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The stages of androgenetic alopecia

The stages of androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss in men and one of the most common in women.

Although it is considered by many to be a result of aging, in fact age is considered to play a catalytic role in relation to the action of the other two sensitivity factors, that is, the hair root to the action of the DHT hormone, but also its degenerative action itself more hormone.

The progression of this particular type of hair loss follows a progressive course starting from the front of the scalp first and the top later and gradually extending to the sides and back

The last two areas are the only ones that remain intact in most cases at least.

The progression of the above condition in men is described based on the Norwood (Hamilton-Norwood) scale.

What is the Norwood scale? +-
Why is the Norwood scale important? +-


Fill out the form below and we will contact you to book a completely free diagnostic appointment for examination. The diagnosis is made by Dr. Ioannis Papangelopoulos (MD, PhD).