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Nutrition and hair loss: What should a vegetarian look out for?

Nutrition and hair loss: What should a vegetarian look out for?

Nutrition and hair loss: What should a vegetarian look out for?

"Vegetarianism (in its various forms) is gaining more and more fertile ground these days, as even in our country its advantages are being promoted over the previous prevailing opinion that associated it with past memories that referred to poverty and hunger.

It is, however, a given that a diet lacking -in some cases more, and in others less- nutritional options, can lead to deficiencies of some basic nutritional elements, requiring special attention to the diet in order to achieve the necessary balance."

Can a diet that excludes all food of animal origin lead to hair loss?

What should a vegetarian pay attention to in their diet in order to ensure adequate intake of the above elements?



Fill out the form below and we will contact you to book a completely free diagnostic appointment for examination. The diagnosis is made by Dr. Ioannis Papangelopoulos (MD, PhD).