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Hair loss after Covid-19 infection image
Hair loss after Covid-19 infection15.01.2024

Following research published by (Lambert et al, 2020) and the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD),  patients are experiencing hair thinning or significant hair loss as a result of infection with COVID-19. However, there is still no clear answe

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Alopecia areata – causes & treatment methods image
Alopecia areata – causes & treatment methods13.11.2023

The term Scarring Alopecia is used to describe a set of heterogeneous diseases which have as a common feature the destruction of the hair follicle and its replacement with scar tissue.The damage that is caused results in permanent hair loss.Scarring

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The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Method of Hair Transplantation image
The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Method of Hair Transplantation08.11.2023

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a hair transplant technique, which can be described as “follicular unit extraction”.It is a method of implantation that was developed especially after 2000. A large part of the interested patients turned to this te

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FUE hair transplant technique image
FUE hair transplant technique22.10.2023

The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant technique is considered to be the most advanced permanent hair transplant transfer procedure in recent years.It was introduced shortly after 2000 and is considered a milestone in the history of hai

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The basic principles of hair transplants image
The basic principles of hair transplants17.10.2023

Nowadays, more and more people are looking for a permanent solution to the problem of alopecia through hair transplantation.But what are the conditions and basic principles of hair transplantation? We approach the issue and answer the most frequently

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Trichoscopy: The first step when hair loss is detected image
Trichoscopy: The first step when hair loss is detected11.10.2023

Locating hair loss is an issue that the person concerned is called upon to address immediately in a proper scientific manner.The recommended method is trichoscopy. This is the only scientific procedure that concerns the diagnosis of scalp diseases.Tr

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Hair Transplant Clinic: The first specialized hair transplant clinic featured on newsbomb.gr image
Hair Transplant Clinic: The first specialized hair transplant clinic featured on newsbomb.gr04.09.2023

One of the most reliable, technologically advanced and specialized hair transplant clinics is the Hair Transplant clinic. The dermatologist – skin surgeon, Dr. Ioannis Papagelopoulos, its initiator and founder, together with specialized doctors who k

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Choosing the best hair transplant technique image
Choosing the best hair transplant technique11.08.2023

Expertise, know-how, reliability, is the triad on which the success of a hair transplant operation largely depends.In the case of the dermatologist-dermatologist Dr. Ioannis Papagelopoulou is the guarantee for the best result in both hair loss treatm

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Hair loss and autoimmune diseases image
Hair loss and autoimmune diseases20.07.2023

Autoimmune diseases occur when our body’s defense system is unable to distinguish external invaders from normal healthy cells, resulting in it turning against the body itself.The reasons why this happens have not been clarified to date. There are sev

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Lifestyle: 5 things we do and destroy our hair image
Lifestyle: 5 things we do and destroy our hair11.07.2023

Hair loss may be mainly linked to genetic and biological factors, however it is certain that the habits of everyday life – sometimes to a lesser and sometimes to a greater extent – affect the health of our hair.As in recent years the effort we put to

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Stress and hair loss image
Stress and hair loss03.07.2023

The link between stress and hair loss is at the center of the hair loss debate.While it seems to be linked to some forms of hair loss, it is not always certain whether the effect it has on hair health is direct or comes as a result of the disruption

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Diseases and pathological conditions associated with hair loss image
Diseases and pathological conditions associated with hair loss27.06.2023

Hair loss can be associated with various diseases. Below you can see the most important of them.Anemia+-Anemia is a pathological condition in which the total mass of red blood cells is less than normal.The main cause of anemia is iron deficiency.Apar

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Fill out the form below and we will contact you to book a completely free diagnostic appointment for examination. The diagnosis is made by Dr. Ioannis Papangelopoulos (MD, PhD).