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Hair Transplant Clinic: The first specialized hair transplant clinic featured on newsbomb.gr

Hair Transplant Clinic: The first specialized hair transplant clinic featured on newsbomb.gr

One of the most reliable, technologically advanced and specialized hair transplant clinics is the Hair Transplant clinic. The dermatologist – skin surgeon, Dr. Ioannis Papagelopoulos, its initiator and founder, together with specialized doctors who know the subject of hair transplantation and hair loss treatments, follow the most modern and innovative techniques to achieve the best result that will last a lifetime.  

The experience of many years in hair transplants and the number of thousands of operations that Dr. Ioannis Papagelopoulos and the scientific team of the specialized Hair Transplant Clinics have ranked it in one of the main and safest specialized Hair Transplantation clinics in Europe, with results from thousands of men and women. It is no coincidence that among the people who have trusted the expertise and know-how as well as the reliability of Dr. Ioannis Papagelopoulou are scientists, politicians and journalists.   

He has extensive experience as he has worked in many hospitals in Greece and abroad. Among others at the Charite University Hospital in Berlin, at the Evangelismos hospital in Athens, at the Hygeia Hospital (newly established Hair Transplantation Department), at the Andreas Syggros University Hospital and at Errikos Dunan. He is also the General Secretary of the Hellenic Society of Hair Transplantation.  

In the field of hair loss and hair transplantation techniques, Hair Transplant Clinic pioneers with exclusive innovations. That is why they have solutions for almost 95% of the people who visit the clinics. To all this one can add the expertise of the clinic’s team, in the new Micro-Strip technique, which has been applied in Greece since 2007 with enormous success. This method is minimally invasive and counts thousands of successful hair transplants to date and will be presented by Dr. I. Papagelopoulos for the first time at the World Hair Transplant Conference, next October in Prague.     

It is very important for the final result that the person concerned makes the right choice of the Center that will undertake his treatment or the transplant method that he will end up with the doctor. The scientific staff of the Hair Transplant clinics, but especially Dr. I. Papagelopoulos are ready to give answers in a free meeting to assess the problem, in order to find the appropriate treatment and to give answers to all the questions, separately for each case, regarding the procedure, the cost, the result and any other the interested party has a question. The main component of the success of Hair Transplant clinics is that they approach each case in a specialized way, in order to find the appropriate treatment. For these reasons, they have remained at the top of their field for years at a pan-European level.     

The specialized hair transplant clinic is the only one in which all hair transplant techniques (FUE, Strip, Micro Strip) are performed by specialized doctors of all specialties (Dermatologist, Plastic Surgeon, Anesthetist, Nurses) that are necessary for the operation to be painless and successful.

Whether referring to treatments or transplantation techniques, the Hair Transplant clinic knows better than anyone how to handle them. And this also applies to the issue of cost, which is adjustable according to the case and type of alopecia, while a written guarantee of the regrowth result of each hair follicle is given, so that the interested party knows that the result will last a lifetime. 



Fill out the form below and we will contact you to book a completely free diagnostic appointment for examination. The diagnosis is made by Dr. Ioannis Papangelopoulos (MD, PhD).