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Have you had a hair transplant? Learn how to achieve a faster recovery

Have you had a hair transplant? Learn how to achieve a faster recovery

Can’t wait to enjoy your new look? Hair transplantation is the ideal way to add hair to areas of your head that you have noticed thinning.

And if you want to speed up the recovery time, follow the tips below, always according to your doctor’s instructions.

1. Take care of the area.

In order to be able to return to your daily tasks faster, you should take care of the trauma that will have been created in the area from which you took the hairs, but also in the one where they were transferred to. Don’t forget to spray frequently with saline during the first week and not to press the area while sleeping.

2. Don’t scratch yourself.

It is possible that you will feel itching in the area of the wound, but you should resist and not scratch. It is better to apply gentle pressure with your hands on the head, in circular movements, if you feel that you cannot stand it at all. Also, you may notice some swelling in the first few days, but this is a normal reaction and will soon calm down. The same applies to the eschar, the crust of the wound, which will gradually subside with proper care.

3. Avoid vigorous physical activity.

One of the biggest advantages of hair transplantation is the short return to daily activities. However, some care is needed, especially during the first week. You should not lift weights or strain yourself with vigorous manual tasks or exercises.

4. Watch out for the sun.

The sun can significantly affect the recovery time, so it is important to avoid exposure, especially in the first few days. A hat can help cover your head, although ideally for a few days you shouldn’t be exposing your head to the sun at all.



Fill out the form below and we will contact you to book a completely free diagnostic appointment for examination. The diagnosis is made by Dr. Ioannis Papangelopoulos (MD, PhD).