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Choosing the best hair transplant technique

Choosing the best hair transplant technique

Expertise, know-how, reliability, is the triad on which the success of a hair transplant operation largely depends.

In the case of the dermatologist-dermatologist Dr. Ioannis Papagelopoulou is the guarantee for the best result in both hair loss treatments and hair transplant techniques (FUE, Strip, Micro Strip). 

Dr. Ioannis Papagelopoulos has extensive experience in issues related to hair loss treatments for men and women as well as hair transplant techniques. He has worked in many hospitals in Greece and abroad. Among others, at the Charite University Hospital in Berlin, the Evangelismos Hospital in Athens, the HYGEIA Clinic (newly established Hair Transplant Department), the A.Sygros and Errikos Dunan University Hospitals and at the same time he is the general secretary of the Hellenic Hair Transplant Society   

Dr. Ioannis Papagelopoulos and the specialized team of doctors of the first specialized hair transplant clinic, Hair Transplant Clinic, follow the most modern and innovative hair transplant techniques. The scientific interest in their work as well as the many years of experience with thousands of hair transplants they have carried out, rank them among the top in Europe.  
If one takes into account the huge development that has been observed in recent years in the field of hair transplantation in Greece, one can easily understand how important it is to be at the forefront of such a specialized field.

The specialized Hair Transplant Clinic is among the few, if not the only clinic in which hair transplants are performed by specialized surgeons (dermatologist, plastic surgeon, anesthetist) and nurses who are present in all phases of the procedure in such a technically difficult operation so that it is completely painless and above all 100% successful.

Dr. Ioannis Papagelopoulos guarantees the permanence of the result, while also gives a written guarantee of the regrowth of each hair follicle, so that the interested party knows that the result will last a lifetime. What is certain is that whether reference is made to treatments or transplantation techniques, the scientific staff of Hair Transplant clinics know perfectly well how to handle the problem and provide the correct and responsible solution.  

This also concerns the cost of the transplant that the person concerned will be asked to pay. It should be noted that the cost is related to the type of transplant and the size of the problem in order to achieve the best results and in this sense it is adjustable depending on the case and type of alopecia. 

To be informed about the treatment you need or which transplantation technique suits your case, you can contact the Hair Transplant Clinic in order to have a free consultation with the doctor or fill out the online interest form on the clinic’s website. During the free consultation session with the doctor, you will be able to have a complete assessment of their case, as well as ways to deal with it with the appropriate treatment or technique. 



Fill out the form below and we will contact you to book a completely free diagnostic appointment for examination. The diagnosis is made by Dr. Ioannis Papangelopoulos (MD, PhD).