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Antonis Loudaros at Hair Transplant Clinic

Antonis Loudaros at Hair Transplant Clinic

We would like to thank mr Antonis Loudaros, who trusted the Hair Transplant Clinic and underwent a hair transplant with complete success.

The renowned team of doctors, led by Ioannis Papagelopoulos MD, PhD, applied the revolutionary combined FUE & Microstrip transplantation method, which turns out to be the most efficient technique if performed by a specialized team of Dermatologists.

Some of the benefits of combining these two techniques are that:

1. We avoid scarring, therefore, the patient benefits from valuable recovery time and ensures a quick return to their daily activities
2. We get a huge number of hair follicles per session, which guarantees immediate success even in the most difficult cases of alopecia
3. It offers great safety for the grafts.

Read more about the FUE & Microstrip transplant method here



Fill out the form below and we will contact you to book a completely free diagnostic appointment for examination. The diagnosis is made by Dr. Ioannis Papangelopoulos (MD, PhD).